Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kinda Slow

This photo is of my fix to a screw-up, it also shows the detail of the legs.
This photo is of for of the footboard legs in glue-up they were jointed and plained down to 4"x4"
I've been kinda busy at work and haven't had much time to do any work on anything. I hope to get going again as the weather starts getting warmer. I'm still working on the stands and I'm in the process of building beds for my kids. I have some photos of part of the legs I'm making. I screwed up on one of the head board legs and had to do a fix.

1 comment:

Traci said...

You are so talented. I can't wait to see the finished product (in person). We are coming back for Christmas so I expect you to be done!!!!